Thursday, June 5, 2008

Online Summer Class

Jesse graduated in May, which was really exciting. It has been so nice to have him home in the evenings without having to worry about distracting him from his studies with my inability to keep quiet when there is another warm body in the room. However, when he graduated he "walked lacking hours," which is a fancy way of saying they are still going to make you pay for one more course even though it has absolutely nothing to do with your degree. So as of June 2nd Jesse has started his online course on educational psychology. What does this have to do with Business Marketing you ask... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! But it is the only online course offered during summer one so we are paying the thousands of dollars so that they will mail Jesse his diploma. Anyway back to may original train of thought. The month of may was nice not worrying about bothering him and now I have to be good and bite me tongue for another month. I guess I will survive!

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